Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The fight for Africa

By ralph geeplay

 Liberian kids welcome Hu Jintao to Monrovia

United States Secretary of State Hillary Clinton recent Africa tour which ran for 11 days if anything, indicated a major showmanship that Washington is determined to assert or reassert itself on the continent, after a lackluster Obama first term that put forward no real Africa agenda. Don’t forget America had extensive connections on the continent, especially at the height of the cold war.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

The Boss Lady: The Elegant Ms. Barkue Tubman

Entertainment impresario and Liberian business magnate, Miss Barkue Tubman who returned to her native Liberia in 2005 is a known trailblazer in the entertainment industry, achieving incredible triumph in the United States while cracking the glass ceiling especially as a young woman in a field normally reserved for male executives. Barkue is a gem, and it seems everything she touches turn to gold. Simple as that may seem and sound though; she has been described as a workaholic and an innovator whose drive to succeed and efforts at making enduring deals, contacts and keeping them are qualities that define some her capabilities.

Upon her return home few years ago, Tubman who is also the CEO of the Miss Boss Lady Entertainment and other holdings told the British Broadcasting Corporation last year, that getting started in Liberia wasn’t an easy one “I didn’t  really know what I was gonna do initially, but Liberia was a virgin market even back then so anything I wanted to do, as far as I was concerned, with the gifts that I had been blessed with, I knew I would turn it around because I know the strength that I have," she told the BBC's series African Dream.